Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do narcissists act like and how do you determine someone is a narcissist?

I went to Wikipedia and I loved the old story with Narcissus.

Then I remember reading a comedy book about some freak who kept saying "I'm a beautiful Narcissist". I searched the word and it said "One who is in love with thyself"

Also, can you tell me why there are narcissists? Where did they originate from? Did they just have an obsession with themselves or was it from parents or relatives? And, are there people who want to be with Narcissists?


How do narcissists act like and how do you determine someone is a narcissist?
"People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have a lifelong pattern of grandiosity (in behavior and in fantasy), thirst for admiration, and lack of empathy,. These attitudes permeate most aspects of their lives. They feel that they are unusually special; the are self-important individuals who commonly exaggerate their accomplishments to make themselves seem bigger than life.

Despite their grandiose attitudes, narcissistic individuals have fragile self-esteem and often feel unworthy; even at times of great personal success, they may feel fraudulent or undeserving. They remain overly sensitive to what others think about them, and feel compelled to extract compliments. When criticized, they may cover their distress with a facade of icy indifference. As sensitive as they are about their own feelings, they have little apparent understanding of the feelings and needs of others and may feign empathy, just as they may lie to cover their own faults.

Narcissistic people often fantasize about wild success and envy those who have achieved it. They may choose friends they think can help them get what they want. Their job performance can suffer (due to interpersonal problems) or can be enhanced (due to their external drive for success). Because they tend to be concened with gooming and value their youthful looks, they may become increasingly depressed as they age.

This disorder has been very poorly studied. It is probably uncommon; reportedly, most patients are men..."
Reply:its somebody who is IN LOVE with themselves

its from the greek god whos name was narcissist and he loved hemslelf a LOT
Reply:Narcissists are in love with themselves. They will spend all of their time looking in the mirror, primping and preening.
Reply:This is my definition: They think they are the best--better than everyone else--best looking, talented, best personality, more intelligent, can do everything better than everyone else, is never wrong. They can do no wrong, and any problems are somebody else's fault.
Reply:narcissists are self absorbed. for their perspective the world revolves around them
Reply:Narcissists have to know what they look like all the time, love being told their beautiful, and love looking at themselves in a mirror. If all the above is've got Narcissus.

And supposedly that's where the saying came from is the story of narcissus...
Reply:narcissists are concieted people. it originates from the greek myth of narcissus
Reply:There's an issue here, I think, with how the public uses the term and how clinical psychologists would use the term, kind of like the terms "paranoid," or "depressed."

The general public might describe someone who is very egotistical, showy, flamboyant, or prone to a lot of boasting as "narcissistic," or a narcissist. Most of these people aren't mentally ill; just very egotistical.

True narcissistic personality disorder is an actual disease or disorder. These tend to be individuals with little or no ability to empathize with others, with severe competitive streaks, workaholism, grandiosity, mood swings, and other personality traits that impair their ability to function; their personalities may be so abrasive that they have difficulty maintaining relationships, forming intimacy, relating to other people, etc.

They are also often high acheivers and relentless perfectionists - the stereotypical "nightmare boss." (They often are less effective as bosses than more charismatic or empathetic managers because people tend to avoid them - they can be very unpleasant.)

Their personality traits are in fact disabling; narcissistic personality disorder impairs their ability to function on a daily basis. They may end up with severe legal, marital, or financial trouble because of their disorder.

The public, non-clinical use of the term refers to someone who has a lot of self-regard (they like themselves more than they should, or believe themselves to be sexually irresistible, highly intelligent, etc), but they're not necessarily mentally ill - just conceited.

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