Saturday, November 14, 2009

Greek god project help?

So I decided that I am going to make a sleeping pill becasue Narcissus made people faint... But I have absolutely no clue what to call it. My friend wants me to call it "Narcissus Night-Night Pills" but I really don't think that that is A+ material. Any suggestions?

Greek god project help?
If you want to do sleeping pills go with Hypnos, the god of sleep. That will make your teacher really see that you know what you are talking about.

If u want Narcissus, go with "Narcissus's Knockouts"
Reply:I have no idea where you got your information from, but I strongly suggest that you do a LOT more research before proceeding. At the very least, it is illegal to make any kind of narcotic without a license! ;)

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